It is easier and more convenient to nourish and care for your body than to hit it hard or cause injury to it. I want to believe that this scripture is not just for men because both men and women are to nourish and care for one another in a marital relationship, to have their affection for one another mutual and sustainable.

It should be counted as a red flag when your intending spouse cannot stay committed to simple routine on body hygiene, eat well, pay attention to his or her medical or mental health needs, and if he or she rarely spends on himself or herself.

Likewise, an intending spouse who engages in self-injurious behavior, abuses substances or drugs, has multiple sexual partners, or is pinned down by other addictions should seek needed help before marriage. If you are also attached to any of the above maladaptive behaviors, please seek help before marriage so as not to struggle with marital commitment in the long run.


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