Yesterday, I taught how to understand your sexuality and how it can help you to overcome masturbation addiction (please review yesterday’s devotional). Today, it is important that I bring to your attention that being positively engaged is another strategy that can help you break the backbone of the demon that sponsors masturbation addiction.
Our text illustrates that the idle hand is always the devil’s workshop.
Addiction generally thrives with idleness; if you have a job that allows you to have much time at your disposal, you have to take up a hobby or imbibe a relaxation style that takes you out of the house.
Likewise, getting involved in the following activities can release the same feel-good hormones, such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine that you might sometimes get from masturbating without attaching the feeling of guilt that comes with masturbation.
• Knowing your life mission and starting its fulfillment from where you are (your Jerusalem)
• Volunteering for an organization that helps young people overcome addiction like our organization shcounselingclinic.org.ng.
• Engaging in a service unit in your local church.
When you are not engaging in as many activities as you should, your system will produce the SAD hormone called cortisol, which you might be fighting to overcome by engaging in masturbation, and this can further predispose you to depression, anxiety, and other mental ailments.
Likewise, your adrenaline hormone (fight hormone) can be produced in excess with any form of addiction, which can make you aggressive unnecessarily.
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