Infidelity is not an act that begins in a day; it starts gradually from the place of neglect, emotional distance, and communication gap between the intimate partners. Infidelity is the act that is termed double dating in courtship and extramarital affairs in marriage. In many cases, it involves sexual intercourse with a person other than your marital partner.
Infidelity can cripple marital commitment and put intimate partners in a very difficult situation, as trust is always adversely affected by infidelity, and trust is a strong foundation for all-round commitment in marital relationships. Therefore, couples or intimate partners who are affected by infidelity will need to employ the services of a counseling psychologist so as to allow them to heal emotionally or psychologically in order to trust again, and get committed to one another as they should.
Has there been any case of infidelity in your marital relationship? How did you handle it? You might need professional help; reach out to us at Sure Hope Counseling Clinic.