Another word for love need is emotional need. Intimate partners are said to be committed to one another when they are able to meet the emotional or love need of one another.
Anyone who is aspiring to be involved in a marital relationship needs to be deliberate in educating himself or herself by reading about marriage and human relationships so as to find commitment easy.
Personality is the rationale behind individuation, meaning that people respond to issues in life differently because of personality differences. People might have the same temperament, but no two individuals have the same personality.
Lovers have to discuss with one another what makes them feel special or what communicates commitment to them. This is because commitment is relative in nature, meaning that what it means to one person might not be the same as what it means to another, and once you are able…
Do not assume that your partner knows how to make you feel loved, special, or committed to; you have to learn how to be simple enough in communicating the process to him or her in a clear term and ask how he or she would like to be loved as…
Commitment is defined as the price that needs to be paid by the two parties who are involved in a marital relationship so as to make their marital goal become a reality.
Men are in sizes, if your esteem is not healthy enough to mingle with a man or a woman who is higher than you educationally, socially or financially, please don’t force it.