In November, we realized that one of the virtues that anyone who wants to be an irresistible lover should have in his or her portfolio is communication skills. Talking, gesturing, or writing does not imply effective communication most of the time. In other words, you can engage a person in a conversation and yet not communicate effectively with them, and vice versa.

Communication is a process by which information is passed between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behaviors, according to Merriam-Webster.com. Since communication is a process through which information is passed between intimate partners, it must be well mastered, as many people may assume that they are communicating because they have the ability to talk. The process of effective communication must be well learned, especially for marital success, as our text suggests that one increases in strength with information.

Please visit our website, shcounselingclinic.org.ng for November teachings.
Please review Sure Hope through this link: https://g.page/r/CcjLMnBzsf2QEAI/review. God bless you


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