As much as melancholy spouses are selfless, they might not easily part with their money because of their detailed nature. As a matter of fact, they can be easily depressed if they spend money outside their budgets and especially if they have problems balancing their accounts. Although it is not uncommon to see them spend intensively on their artistic interests such as clothes, music, books, sports, designs, or art works, irrespective of their inherent ability to control overspending.
Trusting God for wealth or riches might not come naturally to melancholy individuals as they strongly believe in saving and calculative spending. They are most likely not going to invest their money into any online businesses for the fear of uncertainty, only if they have gone the extra miles of researching the details of such an investment; their partner will need to understand this. Nevertheless, when they truly encounter God , they can trust Him with their whole hearts on every sides, including Finance.