esterday, it was said that most men are more secure in a marital relationship where women are younger than them in term of age and shorter or have the same height as theirs likewise most women prefer to be in a relationship with men who are older and taller than them or have the same height as theirs.
However the case may be with you; age disparity should not be too wide for good marital synergy. Physical features or qualities that feeds love in marital relationship is what physical compatibility is. Most people come from the school of thought that believes that physical compatibility should not be considered in a marital relationship; nevertheless, as much as I believe that it is up to an individual who is aspiring to be married to decide whether to give attention to physical attraction or not; my role as a counseling psychologist is to make available, the adequate information on the subject-matter so as to present the opportunity to make informed decisions to singles and others.
Physical compatibility in a marital relationship is very important as it enhances sexual attraction. Meaning that a person you are not physically attracted to might not trigger you sexually, hence physical attraction or compatibility should not be overlooked in a marital relationship though it should not override the leading of the Holy Spirit or be the whole essence of a marital relationship.