Do not rush to tie the knot; before you do, check and confirm medical compatibility so that you will not be forced to untie the knot untimely. Gboyega was supposed to know much about medical compatibility and school Bawa where necessary because he was a medical practitioner, and his medical knowledge cannot be compared to that of Bawa, who was an artesian. They both have genotype AS and went on to tie the knot against the counsel of their spiritual authorities and well-wishers.
Things fall apart! Their only child was barely 10 months old when he started a sickle cell anemia crisis. Before their third wedding anniversary, Gbade had run out of their marriage and was insistent on divorce as the strong feelings and emotions he felt for Bawa were no longer there when he had to face the reality of their sick child.
One of the strongest storms that can hit a union and weaken the ship where there is no adequate support is caring for a child living with sickle cell anemia. No one needs to go through this undue medical stress where medical compatibility is considered and given the necessary attention. For instance, individuals with AS, AC, SC, or SS genotypes should not marry anyone who has the same genotype as theirs; they are only compatible with partners with genotype AA.
However, genotypes AS, AC, SC, and SS are not marital curses; they are an intentional tool that God gives you for marital screening. See them as blessings and take advantage of them in order not to marry wrongly.