The previous teachings emphasized the fact that love is a consistent force, meaning that it does not vary like the waves of an ocean, the way and manner in which emotions and feelings do, because it is a lifestyle and it is principle-driven and result-oriented.
However, today we are looking at love as a force of attraction. According to unacademy.com, force of attraction refers to the strong attraction between particles, meaning that it is a force that pulls bodies or objects together. Examples of these are gravitational force, electric force, and magnetic force. In the context of erotic love, the force of attraction is that force that constantly pulls two opposite sexes together in an affectionate or romantic manner. It is otherwise known as passion, infatuation, or love at first sight because it comes with a point of attraction that may be physical (good looks, fluency, body gestures, location, and more), spiritual (love for God and fervency in his work), social (academic excellence, association, family background, opportunities, and more), emotional (maturity in handling human relationships, and more).
In fairness, most marital relationships start from the point of attraction, and there is nothing wrong with it in as much as the parties involved are able to commit to one another beyond their attraction, for infatuation is a weak force that cannot sustain the weight of marriage.