Mutual understanding comes in a marital relationship from a heart-to-heart conversation between the two parties involved in the relationship. But how do you make this happen when your spouse does not talk to you and you don’t know how to make him or her do it? Having strategies in place to make your spouse talk to you from time to time is not as important as creating an atmosphere of love and trust that can nurture your spouse’s fear to faith.
Though knowledge is a weapon, it should not be used against your spouse. I have seen husbands who say they cannot allow their wives to know about their financial status because they believe that the moment she’s aware of their financial buoyancy, she is going to come up with a list of her needs. Others will use the information they know about their spouse’s family, health, finances, and shortcomings to the detriment of their spouses. Yet, such couples complain of not getting enough information from their spouses.
In the coming days, I will be talking about the virtues that you need to put in place to make your spouse keep talking to you as you desire. Making your spouse keep talking to you, heart to heart, from time to time might not come naturally; sometimes, it is a virtue that you have to learn.
Does your spouse prefer to talk to others instead of you? You need to be well positioned to hear his or her heart per- time.