Recently, I met a young lady who believes that most ladies are into multiple dates, including herself. Further engagement with her shows that she has never been engaged with less than three guys at a time. As I was wondering about how convenient she finds her marital adventure, I discovered that she is only emotionally involved with those men emotionally and not committed to any of them, and none of them is truly committed to her as well. This is because commitment comes at a high price and cannot be shared among multiple partners.
Committing to two marital partners the right way at once might be a very difficult task to achieve, mostly when you truly desire consistent commitment.
Marital relationships are not for teenagers (though they should be prepared for it) or young adults who are yet to understand the concept of maturity because of the price tag of commitment that such a relationship entails. Other elements of commitment in a marital relationship involve:
• Giving
• Acceptance
• Forgiveness
• Feedback and more
Each of these shall be discussed in the coming days, as God helps us.