Having laid the foundation last month that commitment begins with the right definition of a marital relationship, which takes the form of a marital proposal.

A marital proposal is simply the process where a man (who is the head of a marital relationship) makes his intention to start a marital relationship and get committed in the process, known to a lady he is maritally drawn to. Just as a marital proposal should not be assumed, acceptance of it should also not be assumed. There should be a time when the sister that has been proposed to will say an emphatic yes to the marital proposal of her intending life partner. Having fulfilled this condition, the stage is set for commitment to flow naturally from each person in such a defined marital relationship.

However, there are certain conditions that must be put in place to ensure continual commitment in any martial relationship. For commitment to be continuous in your marital relationship, there are certain conditions that must be fulfilled; such conditions are what I will be ditching out this month by God’s grace. Please stay committed to the use of this series. God bless you in Jesus name.


Is your marital relationship defined, if not? Do all you can to have it defined. That does not include a lady making the marital proposal, but ladies could ask guys for a clear definition of their relationship with them, where necessary.


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