Yesterday, I concluded on how to overcome masturbation addiction (please get the previous teachings to get you updated). As we are journeying toward the end of the month, I will yet again be teaching on another form of addiction that can come in between you and your intimate partner to hinder the flow of your communication with one another, namely, phone and social media addiction.
Phone addiction is the excessive use of the phone itself, which could come in the form of making and receiving excessive phone calls, playing phone games excessively, excessive use of radio and video players, and so on, while social media addiction is strongly connected to excessive use of social media handles such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Tik-tok, YouTube, Twister, Thread, and so on. Excessive use of the phone or social media is not only detrimental to general body health, mental wellness, and day-to-day living; it could also put a strain on your marital relationship with damaging effects. When either or both partners in a marital relationship are struggling with excessive use of social media or phones, it will sabotage their time for good communication, and that will take a negative turn on the quality of their relationship because of the emotional gap it will create.