Throughout January, we learned about positive self-perception, its components, and its benefits. In February, we focused on understanding what negative self-perception is, its indications, impacts, causes, and the skill set needed to overcome it. Self-perception is negative when your estimation of yourself falls short of your strength or when your strength is overrated beyond what it is.
Indications of negative self-perception are as follows:
✓Negative self-talk: a man cannot be better than his confession about himself or herself.
✓Lack of self-care and unhealthy self-perception will make you pay less or excessive attention to yourself, which will consequently not allow you to care adequately for your partner.
✓Poor assertiveness: people with low self-esteem are prone to lying and pulling down others to drive home their points of conversation.
✓Inability to give and accept compliments, and a lot more.
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