In July, we defined commitment as the price that needs to be paid by the two parties who are involved in a marital relationship so as to make their marital goal a reality. This means that a working relationship or a blissful home comes at a price, and that is why marital relationships are not for children, teenagers (though they should be prepared ahead by the parents), or adults who are babies in their thoughts and actions.
A number of promising marriages are hitting the rocks in recent times, globally, because most intimate partners who are involved are not aware of what commitment is and its nature. Commitment is the decision to pay the price required to be with a person forever. For commitment to take its course in any marital relationship, each person involved must be sincere enough to communicate to the other party the required price to be paid for their marital journey to be successful.
Assumption is said to be the lowest form of knowledge. Do not assume that your partner knows how to make you feel loved, special, or committed; you have to learn how to be simple enough in communicating the process to him or her in clear terms and ask how he or she would like to be loved as well.
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