Happy New Year, I heartily welcome you to the first day of this year. Here is the beginning of the volume 2, The Voice of Hope Devotional. Volume 1 was the series 1 of Singles and Married tagged “How to become an irresistible lover”, and we give glory to God for the harvest of testimonies granted to us through the series.
However, the volume 2 of this devotional is centered on parenting with the goal of unveiling the secret of a highly referenced and irresistible parent. By the virtue of my calling and profession I have seen many parents who struggle to put their children through higher institutions being neglected by the same children that they invested their all into at the evening of their lives, when the children have become great and doing very well in their chosen careers.
Join us this year to see how you can remain relevant in your children’s lives even in your old age. This series is therefore for parents and parents to be. God bless you as you journey with us throughout the year.
Once again, Happy New Year.