Yesterday I stated how the process of communication begins, and I said that it involves the sender (you), the message (code) to be passed across to your partner, and the channel through which the message is passed, which I said is very important and should be chosen based on the message that is to be passed if your communication with your spouse will be effective. (Please review yesterday’s devotional for details.)
Today I will explain the other processes of communication, which are
The receiver: This is your marital partner (decoder) who is to receive the information (code) that you will like to pass across.
Encoding: This is concerned with the understanding of the message that is being passed from you to your partner.
Feedback: this is the response of the decoder (your spouse), which is either relevant or irrelevant based on whether or not the information being passed by you to him/her has been well decoded (understood).
The quality of feedback gotten in the process of communication depends on how well the information or message been passed is well understood. For this reason, the message to be passed to your spouse has to be passed with all simplicity. In the days to come, I will be teaching you how to engage simplicity in your communication with your spouse. Please anticipate this.