Welcome to the last day in the month of January. We thank God for the wonderful privilege of life that he has given to us to witness this day in the land of the living. May His name alone be praise (Amen). From the first day of this month, we have been enlightened on the topic of parenting. It was said that parenting is a responsibility and not a title; hence, it is the process of raising and educating a child from birth until adulthood. Likewise, from the teaching this month, it was established that parenting is beyond social norms, as it comes with commitment or with a price that must be paid for it to be successful or for it to take its full course.
One of the factors that will make you a highly referenced and irresistible parent is understanding the subject of parenting beyond the status; motherhood. During the course of the month, parenting was explained with the acronyms as follows:
To be a referenced parent or parent-to-be, you have to have all the above qualities. Stay connected with this devotional as we continue the explanation of the acronym of parenting in the month of February. If this daily quote has been a blessing to you, kindly send your comments and feedback to hopeforgenerations.org.
#parenting #children