Welcome to the last day of this month. The month has been so engaging, and we thank God for the feedback we have gathered so far on the focus of the month. Our prayer for the user of this devotional is that you will not miss the purpose for which God is sending this quotes across your path in a time such as this, in Jesus name. Kindly join others in sending your feedback to us on info@shcounselingclinic.org.ng
The teaching of the 1st to 3rd weeks has been summarized in the last two days. Lastly today, it is important to note that in the understanding of how your partner receives and gives love, knowing primarily how you receive love cannot be overlooked. Pay genuine attention to your love needs so as to explain to your partner how to love you better, give him or her time to learn how to speak your love language while you pay attention to knowing his or her primary love language too, knowing fully well that his or her love language has to be full for him or her to easily find speaking love to you easy.
Hence, the whole process is easily summarized as love God, love yourself, and you will easily understand how your partner receives and gives love.