Yesterday, it was said that respect should not be demanded in a marital relationship, as demanding respect is an indication of an emotional gap between the intimate partners.
Likewise, trust is not a right and should not be gifted; rather, it should be earned because it is a function of openness and transparency from each of the parties involved in a marital relationship. The responsibility of trust should not be laid on just one party in a marital relationship, as each party involved is responsible for how much trust he or she is able to earn from his or her partner depending on their level of personal openness and transparency.
Trust is a function of openness and transparency that makes one not to only prioritize his or her partner in decision-making but also freely carry him or her along all through the process in acknowledgment of one another. When marital partners are able to pay the price of openness and transparency to one another, happily ever after is sure, as committing to one another becomes easier.
Will you say that your partner trusts you? What are you doing to earn his or her trust?