Social compatibility in marriage was defined yesterday as a form of connection between the marital couple that make each of them comfortable with their kind of friends or association, family background and social influences from their hobbies and lifestyle.
However being socially connected is highly important if couple will be able to sustain romance or affection in their marital relationship.
There was a case of a low-class lady who got married to a high social class man who was also a drug addict while the lady was not addicted to any hobby at all. The marriage later got into crisis when the lady will fight the man consistently and try to come between him, his circle of friends and his addiction.
While, there are cases where two drug addict are married to one another without any major crisis in their marriage because they are socially compatible, they share the same friends and have compatible lifestyle, more reason, the Godly should ensure that they are not unequally yoke in any way. Crossing your “T” and carefully dotting your “I” is highly needed for marital success.