As intending partners, there must be people in your life that you hold yourself accountable to; likewise, your intending partner must have people that he or she holds in high esteem, and both of you must have the culture of being accountable to another, both in courtship and in marriage. This way, commitment will be easily sustained for a forever love journey.
Nevertheless, the following can be intentionally considered to sustain commitment in your marital relationship:
✓ Shun fear: Where there is love, fear is literally out of the equation. It is not enough to trust your marital partner with the details of your past and intimate him/her with your future aspirations; at the same time, he/she should be aware of the details of each passing moment of your life, for marriage makes you one. Both of you should be free to express yourselves to one another without feeling fearful and intimidated.
✓Secrecy is an active state of holding back vital information from the other party. One reason why individuals keep secrets is that they feel the other person might not be able to handle the truth. This action can actually spring out of fear of what the response of the other party might be. Secrecy will surely destroy a marital relationship more than it is expected to protect it; therefore, shun it in your relationship.
✓Accountability goes a long way in sustaining a marital commitment. Is your partner aware of what you are going through right now? If not, why not? Please seek help if you think you need it.
Please visit our website, shcounselingclinic.org.ng for August teachings.
Please review Sure Hope through this link: https://g.page/r/CcjLMnBzsf2QEAI/review. God bless you
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5You, Lizzy Tosin Togun and 3 others