As emphasized from the beginning of our teaching this month, knowledge brings about understanding, which is important in building a lasting marriage. However, the building blocks of knowledge are information, which might be difficult to get if your spouse finds it difficult to express himself or herself to you naturally. The past few days have been centered on unraveling the reasons your spouse might find it hard to talk to you, one of which is mental health challenges (please update yourself with the previous devotional).
One of the home remedies for managing mental health issues is to take natural mood lifters that could work as anti-depressants. Some of which can be gotten through foods like beans, eggs, and fruits such as bananas and pineapple.
Likewise, rewarding activities such as sexual intimacy and exercises such as taking a walk hands-on with a loved one, dancing, and swimming can release serotonin, a feel-good hormone for the day.
Be truly there for your spouse at all times; this is what it means to make a gift of yourself.