Emotional abuse can be perpetrated through actions or words. When children grow up with little admiration and fewer words of encouragement or affirmation from their immediate environment, they are likely to lose faith in God, people, and themselves, thereby having little or no motivation to thrive, as they are easily susceptible to other forms of abuse, become victims of social vices such as drug abuse, hooliganism, perpetrate all forms of abuse on others, become addicted to devices; social media, and engage in self-injurious habits such as masturbation, prostitution, body piercing, and more, which will likely break them down mentally in the long run
Likewise, when adults find themselves in relationships or marriages where they are constantly abused emotionally, their self-worth will typically be eroded, making them less productive as they gradually become the shadow of themselves. Therefore, couples should be deliberately kind in their approach to one another because anyone could perpetrate emotional abuse where sensitivity is relatively low, and the impact of such carelessness cannot be forgotten in a jiffy.