Myles Munroe says that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable; the courtship period is the most abused stage of a marital relationship because many young adults don’t know how to maximize this golden period, probably because of the excitement of loving and being loved.
However, maximizing the period of courtship starts with knowing what the period is and what it should achieve. Courtship is a period of time set aside by two mature, opposite members of a society to gather information about one another for the purpose of marriage. Hence, courtship should achieve the purpose of gathering information about your partner in the following areas:
Family members
Ambition /career
Purpose/life mission
Compatibility and alignment
And others, such as friends, associations, etc.
When each of these is given the right attention during courtship, it helps the parties involved build understanding as their relationship progresses. In the coming days, each of the factors listed above will be considerably expanded for better understanding.
Is your courtship achieving its purpose? If not, why not?