Not everyone finds the use of “I am sorry” easy; this is because a number of us, while growing up, do not get an apology from our parents or from our superiors when they are obviously wrong. Leaving us with the wrong impression that apologies should be said only by the minor to the superior, and often times we assume that an apology makes the strong weak. Whereas, simplicity is a strength and not a weakness, and being apologetic is a form of simplicity.
Apology simply means accepting responsibility for being wrong so as to be able to consciously work on preventing the same fault from occurring subsequently, if given the same chance and opportunity again. As much as offenses are inevitable in human relationships, it is important that we are comfortable with the use of “I am sorry” so as not to easily miss out on important relationships.
However, not being apologetic is an ego defense mechanism and an indication of unhealthy self-esteem. It is highly potent in bringing a marital relationship to an abrupt end. It should therefore be avoided like the plague. Not using the simple statement “I am sorry” when resolving a conflict can affect trust adversely and make it difficult for the offended to restore the offender back to their rightful place in their hearts afterward.