It is amazing that we are in the last month of the year. Glory to God for His sufficient grace. I heartily welcome you to December; it shall be a glorious season for you and yours in Jesus name.
God placed us on the journey to becoming irresistible partners this year. Truth be told, I didn’t know how to go about it, but I followed His footstep, and to His glory, we are here today.
The summary of this quarter focused on knowing the portfolio of the irresistible lover.
At the beginning of the quarter, it was discussed that to maximize your marital relationship as God intended, you need adequate knowledge about marriage and about your partner, and this can be achieved if you and your partner can talk heart-to-heart.
The factors that can hinder partners from talking heart-to-heart were also discussed, as communication is germane to knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.
As we proceed into the last month of the year on our journey to becoming irresistible lovers, I trust God for more insight. Get set for an exciting time in December.