The focus of this month was on understanding how your partner responds to love, and as a user of this devotional, I believe you have understood the different compartments of love and what courtship should achieve. During the course of the month, it was said that courtship is the frame of time set aside by two mature individuals to gather information around the background, experience, exposure, health status, career, association, trauma, failure, success, present, past, and future aspirations of one another.
Furthermore, it was said that understanding your partner’s personality, how he or she gives and receives love, and what commitment means to each of you is one of the keys to ensuring progress in a marital relationship. Likewise, it was discussed that love is not feelings or emotions, as it is popularly believed. Though love is feeling and emotion personified but it is a consistent force of attraction that is potent enough to stir commitment in a person towards another in a romantic or in an affectionate manner. Hence the commitment that love entails should not make it easy for anyone who is involved in a marital relationship to find extra marital affairs easy to practice.