The last quarter of the year has been centered on what the portfolio of an irresistible lover is and to have the in-depth of this which laid emphasis on the importance of knowledge, understanding and wisdom in building a marriage full of bliss and strong enough to last the test of time.
Since communication is germane to knowledge, understanding and wisdom, this month we looked at the importance of communicating and listening as talking is not the same as communicating and hearing is not the same as listening.
Hindrances to effective speaking and listening were discussed and ways of eradicating them were uncovered. (Please review the teaching of the month for hghdetails).
It is my believe that you have been able to apply the teaching of each day of the month to your marital relationship. Please review us at Sure Hope Counseling Clinic. God bless you as you have a successful cross-over to the last month of the year.
#love #singles #married #courtship #family #relationship #coach #tosintogun #surehopecounselingclinic #commitment