September 23, 2022 admin Welcome to Mental Health Examination Examination You are required to attempt all questions within the allotted timeframe. Name Email Phone Facebook ID: Self- love is vital in improving Inter- personal skill Intra- personal skill Communication __________ is a factor for self-perception Self-love Self-reliance Independence One of these is a psychosocial approach that can be employed for effective mental health management. Reality therapy Psychology therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy Time management responds to one of these factors Distraction Diligence Hierarchy Self awareness, inter-personal skills and _____ are categorized as life skills. Communication skill Thinking skill Listening skill Which of the options below is a cause of mental health issues? Social Problems Self-perception Self-evaluation Communication skills include the following except one. Empathy Tone Listening skills The temperament with the highest score in both strengths and weaknesses is the client’s Primary temperament Secondary temperament Average temperament The overall estimation an individual has about himself / herself is called Healthy self-esteem Self-esteem Unhealthy self-esteem Clients stick to abusive marriage because of one of the following Love Unhealthy self- perception Peace of mind One of the symptoms of intrusive memories is Recalling the traumatic event Calmness Regrets Which of these help individuals to build healthy relationships? Self-awareness Inter-personal skills None of the above Symptom of stress includes all except Intrusive memories Avoidance Laughter One of the factors influence decision making Personality Distraction Time management The combination of factors that predict individuals’ behavioral patterns, and provides some indications as to why people do what they do spontaneously is called Temperament testing Personality testing Client intake form Genetic traits that predict behavior is called Clerking Personality Temperament Which of the following is not a counseling ethic? Autonomy Maleficence Beneficence The ability of a counselor to maintain consistency with what he or she professes and what they eventually do is called what? Steadfastness Trust Sincerity One of the causes of mental health issues is Financial stress Sexual intimacy Communication One of these is a benefit of self-knowledge Resistance to social pressure Good health Self-love Which of the options is not a process of information gathering? Psychometric test Clerking Questionnaires All of these except one are symptoms of unhealthy self-esteem Timidity Negative self-talk Self-reliance One of these is not a strategy of decision making Prayer Prioritizing Debating The journey to success starts with How an individual perceives him/herself How others perceives you as an individual How you perceive others The following are counseling approaches to mental health except? Psychosocial approach Life skills Sympathy All of these are classified under thinking skills except____ Decision making Goal setting Empathy There are ___ types of esteem Three Two None of the above Arranging cases in group for easy access is called Information gathering Clerking Psychometric test Stress can be managed by Self-awareness Identifying stressor All of the above Which of these factors predicts unhealthy self-esteem Poor parent child relationship Trauma and abuse All of the above Next Post BASIC MARRIAGE EXAMINATION