Compatibility has been said to mean the agreement that the two people who are aspiring to get married need to have in order to be able to walk together as one. Having considered spiritual and physical compatibility, another giant stride that courtship should achieve is the determination of intellectual compatibility.
Intellectual compatibility simply means the ability of marital partners to place the right value and worth on one another’s intelligence and opinions and be able to engage in thoughtful and meaningful discussion with mutual respect for one another.
Marrying a person that you believe is not as intelligent as you are can make you an abusive husband or wife, and vice versa. Abuse is not only physical, verbal, sexual, or emotional. We can have a situation where people get punished for their opinions, beliefs, interests, and values.
A situation where an individual is ridiculed for his or her opinion and achievements is known as intellectual abuse. Intellectual abuse could graduate to other forms of abuse such as verbal, physical, sexual, and more. To prevent intellectual abuse, you have to be sure that your opinion, voice, and achievements matter to your intended spouse before saying I do.