Like I said yesterday, marital conviction is the desire of every single seeking a happy, ever-after kind of relationship, but the path to gathering it is what many do not understand.
One of the things to put in place in gathering marital conviction is alignment of purpose; your purpose is the same as your life mission, the reason for your existence, the problems that you are created to solve, and many more.
Alignment of purpose does not mean that yourself and your intending spouse must have the same life mission; it simply means that both of you must have clarity of the problem each of you is created to solve and see how you can work with one another to achieve it. This way each of you will have less internal conflict and be able to resist social pressure, thereby synergizing to achieve a high level of productivity.
Therefore, in getting marital conviction, you must know who you are and what your life mission is to see how it aligns with your intending spouse for a forever love journey.