I heartily welcome you to June, the last month in the 2nd quarter of the year. This month shall deliver unto you all your hanging blessings from the beginning of the year, and you shall sing a new song maritally and over every aspect of your life, says the Lord.
The theme of the year is becoming an irresistible lover; the teachings of the past month were all tailored to achieve this great goal, and I trust God that this month will as well achieve the same purpose.
While the teaching of the first quarter was on personal development through positive self-perception, this quarter is all about having an understanding of your spouse, which cannot be easily achieved without adequate knowledge of him or her.
Having discussed that knowing your marital partner’s personality and how he or she responds to love is germane to achieving this, this month we will be looking into the subject of compatibility and how it enhances understanding in a marital relationship. We trust God to make us have a rewarding time together in God’s word as the month progresses.
#love #marriage #family #singles #compatibility #therapy #counseling #tosintogun