Self-awareness involves knowing yourself, your environment and your God. Likewise a person is self-aware when he or she can confidently identify his or her weakness, strength and limitations.
When you are aware of yourself it gives you the privilege of having less inner conflict with yourself, thereby making you to be a well-adjusted spouse with lots of cushion against social pressure. Lack of self-awareness will predispose anyone to compare himself or herself with others because of inability to identify the unique factors that make him or her differ from others and this kind of spouse will find it hard not to compare his or her spouse to other persons around and of course that attitude will definitely impact negatively on commitment in his or her marital relationship.
Therefore to get committed to your spouse as you should, self-awareness is very important. For more details on self-awareness see the first quarter teaching through our social media handles (Facebook- Sure Hope Counseling Clinic; Website- shcounselingclinic.org.ng)