Marriage Counseling

It is important as a single to know that 40% of issues that lead to break-up in courtship also exist in marriage. Therefore, if a person has not trained his or her mind on how to handle issues in courtship, such person will still remain a mediocre in facing and resolving issues as they evolve in marriage.

Pre- marital counseling equip singles and intending couples to understand the following;

  • Personality Adjustment and Behavioural Modification
  • Handling marital proposal
  • Identify the signs of a failing courtship
  • How to prevent jilt in a marital relationship
  • Breaking and healing from an abusive courtship
  • How to make your courtship romantic
  • Skills needed to make courtship progress successfully to marriage.

Beneficiaries of this Service

Marriageable Singles
Intending Couples
Marriage Counselor
Religious Leader
Community Leader

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