As earlier said, choleric spouses are very organized, independent, and highly strong-willed. They are self-sufficient, therefore, often times they don’t find accountability natural. Every person, including choleric, is born with emotions, which subsequently help us to be well informed about the happenings around us and be well positioned in our responses and decision-making ability. However, choleric spouses are not emotionally expressive like sanguine spouses; they believe action speaks louder than words. Therefore Rather than verbalizing their emotions, they prefer to focus on meeting their partner’s needs.

Choleric spouses readily like to be needed and be relevant to their spouses’ existence and success, even though they are not necessary an attention seekers.

As popularly known, choleric don’t fall in love easily but when they do, they could have attachment problem and be overly possessive of their spouses, most especially when they have someone who feed their vision and who is very submissive to them. They are mostly short-tempered and rarely accept fault or defeat; hence, their spouse must be peace-loving.

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